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Reduction of dsRNA Contamination in High-Yield mRNA Production

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via use of the Linea IVT Platform | Chemically-Modified, Enzymatically-Produced IVT Templates + a Next-Generation RNA Polymerase

Yuhua Sun | Huan Dong | Qiang Zhao | Finly Philip | Clay Shorrock | Aaron Chung | James Hayward

  1. Linea™ IVT Overview
    The Linea IVT Platform is a next generation IVT platform comprised of two components:
    (i) chemically modified PCR-produced Linea™ DNA IVT templates; and (ii) Linea RNAP, a novel
    high fidelity RNA polymerase linked to a DNA binding domain. Linea IVT allows mRNA producers
    to manufacture better mRNA, faster via simplified workflows and reduced double-stranded RNA
    (dsRNA) contamination.
Improved mRNA Graphic

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